So sorry about your injury - kind of a mini-'pandemic' in that it stops you & your plans in their tracks & forces you to live in the moment with no idea of how long it will last - reflect, "do" something else, whatever emerges? Useful? Enjoyable? What are the adjectives?

A question: You make me wonder about the sustainability of this approach to weigh loss and the underlying principles. Grasshoppers are fine as they come from the garden. Have you also produced your own coffee and grapes (for the wine) or are they exceptions whereas grains & nuts, seeds, eggs are not? You clearly need chickens in your garden. And maybe oats? Do they grow in Vermont?

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yo. this is pretty anti-climactic. but... I think you should chill. I injured my shoulder climbing several years ago because I pushed through small pain. Then I couldn't climb for three months.

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